Printers: to own or not to own, that’s the question

In the contemporary landscape of digital transformation, businesses face a multitude of choices that impact their operational efficiency and bottom line. One such decision revolves around the age-old question: Should businesses own their office printers or opt for a managed print service? The printer, once a humble office tool, has evolved into a sophisticated device with a range of capabilities. In this article, we’ll delve into the merits of both owning and adopting a managed print solution, helping businesses navigate the complex terrain of printer management to make an informed choice.

Owning a Printer: The Pros and Cons

Upfront Control and Ownership
Cost Predictability
Long-Term Investment
Maintenance and Repairs
Resource Consumption
Limited Scalability


Owning a printer provides complete control over the device, its specifications, and its usage. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with specific requirements or security protocols. With an owned printer, there are no monthly service fees. This allows for predictable budgeting, making it easier to manage expenses. Over time, owning a printer can be cost-effective, especially if it’s used extensively over several years.


Businesses that own printers are responsible for maintenance, repairs, and sourcing replacement parts. This can lead to unexpected downtime and higher repair costs. Printers require consumables such as ink or toner, which can add to ongoing costs. Additionally, owned printers may be less energy-efficient compared to newer models. As business needs evolve, owned printers may become inadequate or obsolete, requiring additional investments in new equipment.

Opting for Managed Print Services: The Pros and Cons

Cost Efficiency
Reduced Administrative Burden
Monthly Fees
Limited Control
Long-Term Costs


Managed print services (MPS) often involve a fixed monthly fee that covers maintenance, repairs, supplies, and support. This predictable cost structure simplifies budgeting. MPS providers handle printer management, maintenance, and supplies, freeing up internal resources to focus on core business activities. Managed print services offer proactive monitoring and maintenance, minimizing downtime and ensuring consistent performance. As business needs change, MPS providers can easily adapt and upgrade printer solutions to accommodate growth or changing requirements.


Managed print services involve ongoing monthly fees, which may appear higher than the initial investment of owning a printer. While MPS provides convenience, businesses may have less direct control over printer specifications and configurations. Over a prolonged period, the cumulative cost of managed print services may exceed the cost of owning a printer outright.

Which Option Is Right for Your Business?

The decision to own or opt for a managed print service hinges on several factors unique to each business:

  • Usage Volume – High-volume print environments may find managed print services more cost-effective due to reduced downtime and efficient supply management.
  • Budget and Cash Flow – Businesses with strict budget constraints may prefer the predictability of monthly managed print service fees.
  • Technical Expertise – Companies with limited in-house IT resources may benefit from the technical support and expertise offered by managed print services.
  • Scalability – Businesses anticipating growth or fluctuating print needs may find managed print services more adaptable to their changing requirements.
  • Total Cost of Ownership – A thorough analysis of total costs, including initial investment, ongoing maintenance, repairs, and supplies, can help gauge the long-term financial impact of both options.

The choice between owning or opting for a managed print service is a multifaceted decision that demands a nuanced evaluation of the unique needs, budget, and operational priorities of each business. While owning a printer provides control and long-term potential, managed print services offer convenience, enhanced productivity, and scalability.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on a careful consideration of factors such as usage patterns, budgetary constraints, technical expertise, and the desire for streamlined management. By conducting a thorough assessment and weighing the pros and cons, businesses can navigate the owning vs. managed print service dilemma with confidence, ensuring they choose the solution that aligns with their strategic objectives and paves the way for efficient and productive print operations.

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