2 Most Common IT Tickets Types [with examples]

When it comes to IT support, there are two common types of tickets that are frequently encountered: incidents and requests. Understanding the difference between these ticket types is crucial for efficient and effective IT ticket management.

  1. Incident Tickets

An incident refers to an unexpected disruption or degradation in the functioning of a system, service, or infrastructure. It is an unplanned event that requires immediate attention to restore normal operations. Examples of incidents include system crashes, network outages, software malfunctions, and hardware failures.

  1. Request Tickets

On the other hand, a request is a formal submission made by a user or customer to obtain assistance or access to a service or resource. Unlike incidents, requests are planned and non-urgent in nature. They can include tasks such as password resets, software installations, access permissions, equipment procurement, and account creations.

By categorizing IT tickets into these two distinct types – incidents and requests – organizations can prioritize their response accordingly. This classification helps streamline the troubleshooting process for incidents while ensuring timely fulfillment of user requests.

Effective IT ticket management systems provide features that allow users to accurately classify their tickets as either incidents or requests. This ensures that the appropriate resources and expertise are allocated to address each type efficiently.

Understanding the most common IT ticket types – incidents and requests – is essential for effective IT support. By properly categorizing tickets based on their nature, organizations can improve response times and enhance customer satisfaction levels while efficiently resolving issues within their information technology infrastructure.

How Can Cenetik Help with Managing these two types of ticket types?

Cenetik makes it easy categorize your tickets based on if it is an incident or a request. When creating a ticket in Cenetik you are able to add a “Type” which is a dropdown that has these two options. This allows your team to identify the type of support ticket. Properly identify the type of ticket weather incident or request can improve your ticket management process and help you prioritize your workload.  Check it out on Cenetik today!

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